Mellower samples in particular make for a lovely melodic choice.
When you need to jolt the audience’s attention, such as in a thriller flick or scary video game, these sounds will work well.
Staccato sounds are great for the “shock factor” technique. Also be sure to double check the mix - don’t rely on the fact that the woodwind instruments will be automatically mixed well in relation to the other instruments, as they’re typically very quiet. Try to use the staccato sounds where you can to prevent long, sustained sounds from being washed out. At times the instruments feel a touch over-EQ’d.
Generally speaking, a lot of compression has to be applied to the woodwind section for them to punch through the mix. For example, solo clarinet has a lot more character than the relatively MIDI-like 3 clarinets. Solo instruments are vastly more convincing than the grouped instruments. A lack of the sweeter tones results in a rather cold sound occasionally. The higher-register woodwind instruments, flute in particular, feel rather thin and weak. Inclusion of prebuilt trills and glissandi save a lot of unnecessary sequencing time. Piccolo flute could have easily been glanced over with mediocre sampling, but it has instead been gifted with a wide selection of sample choices. Many instruments in the East West Symphonic Orchestra feature round-robin samples which, when considering how woodwind instruments are played idiomatically, adds a welcome element of realism. Also, be sure that your cellos and double basses are tightly quantized to help prevent sloppiness. For example, the Penderecki strings are overly used, so try to blend them with other samples. Try to avoid being overly reliant on the effects section as a main centerpiece of the track. The massive amount of samples you have to choose from in East West/Quantum Leap Symphonic Orchestra means that you can very effectively combine instruments to create new textures and make your music distinct from that of other composers. Harp could be more extensively sampled. The double basses are particularly guilty of this - there could be more definition to these sounds. Sometimes the bassier string sounds seem unrefined and a tad sloppy. EASTWEST QUANTUM LEAP SYMPHONIC ORCHESTRA 2003 PROFESSIONAL
Highly professional sounds are possible with this sample library, but your sequencing skills will need to be up to par to truly make the most of these.
Very few string sounds in the EWQL Orchestra are industry standard out of the box. Extremely large selection of samples to choose from: After four years of using this library, I haven’t come close to using all of the strings. Good control over vibrato and sustained notes. While these effects are rather scarce (most instruments only have up to five effects, if any), they are excellent as sources of inspiration and a great way to get a track started. Some utter gems can be found under the “Effects” section of each instrument. Pizzicato effects in the EWQL Symphonic Orchestra are very convincing and very well EQ’d out of the box. This enables the composer to control the intimacy of the sound, or - better still - combine ensemble sizes for new textures. Taking violins as an example, you can choose between a group of 18, 11, or 4 violins as well as the solo instrument.
Intelligently selected ensemble sizes allow for good flexibility of production. EASTWEST QUANTUM LEAP SYMPHONIC ORCHESTRA 2003 HOW TO
We’ll go over pros and cons as well as suggestions on how to get the most out of the library should you decide to buy it. We’ll be taking a more detailed look at each of the instrument families in this East West/Quantum Leap Symphonic Orchestra review. It also makes an excellent starter library for students and aspiring film and game composers.
This library, featuring samples of every instrument in the modern symphonic orchestra, has a wide fan base and could be described as a jack of all trades. East West/Quantum Leap Symphonic Orchestra (EWQLSO) prides itself on being one of the staple “out the box” orchestral libraries for composers.